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Simauxcorp S.A., is an Ecuadorian organization that transforms communities, we promote a safe and sustainable environment through a Comprehensive Citizen Security Ecosystem called RED ALERTA.

With a focus on smart cities, RED ALERTA uses cutting-edge technology to prevent risks and respond effectively to emergencies, ensuring that every member of the community feels safe and supported.

Our solutions are practical, accessible and, above all, innovative, designed to integrate perfectly with everyday life.  
 At Simauxcorp S.A., we are committed to your safety. Join us in building a safer future.
Smart city societies imply a general responsibility of the community through a comprehensive, effective and efficient family security service, for which it is necessary to have citizen participation in an agile and timely manner.

Faced with the weakness of large countries and cities in full development in having integrated citizen assistance systems, RED ALERT constitutes an ideal technological instrument to assist governments immediately, on a massive scale, to citizens and at low cost.

Faced with the weakness of large countries and cities in full development in having integrated citizen assistance systems, RED ALERT constitutes an ideal technological instrument to assist governments immediately, on a massive scale, to citizens and at low cost.
Red Alerta is the Comprehensive Citizen Security Service applicable in societies, through the participatory action of citizens aimed at saving lives, avoiding domestic abuse, homicides, suicides, sexual crimes, child violence, assaults, robberies, kidnappings, assistance to people with disabilities, tourist safety, fires, medical emergencies and other events that affect people's peace of mind.

Seeks to improve citizen security and State assistance indicators. It will maximize collective participation, increase the pedestrian's perception of safety and articulate the official support units of the cities and the State in charge of citizen security: all of this on a massive scale, in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

Through a personalized registration through the internet, RED ALERT allows families to set up a private network of people (relatives, friends) who will find out via cell phone message (SMS) of an emergency event of any kind, requested by any family member and from any part of the country.

Additionally, it will be automatically linked to the Government support units depending on the type of emergency, 911, National Police, Firefighters, Medical Units, neighborhood support groups, etc. The private network of people (family, friends) will be able to locate the geographic location of the person requesting help on the Internet on the Red Alerta page on a map.
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Calle Corea 126 y Av. Amazonas Edif. Belmonte
 Quito – Ecuador / Email:
+593 99 7887432
